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Ambiguously Yaoi Duo: Notes


Ambiguously Yaoi Duo: Notes

Video: Street Fighter II V
Audio: The Ambiguously Gay Duo theme
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It was annoying finding the audio for this one. The show hasn't been released on any Saturday Night Live compilation videos to my knowledge. I found some QuickTime versions of the show on the web, and spliced together the song and the episode intro voiceover from two files, but there was a pitch shift I couldn't get rid of. A friend of mine found me an MPEG of the first episode, however.

SFIIV was shown at a local anime club several years ago. I didn't watch very much of it, but I do recall the audience wetting themselves laughing at all of the innuendo in it. (even in the subtitled dialogue) In particular, there was a scene from episode 3 that I had to use, and if you've seen the show, you probably know which one it is.

Interestingly, the first version of the audio I used had different sound cues than the final. A new "whack" sound came five frames before Ryu hit a guy, so I fixed up the edit. And there's a creaking sound that comes amusingingly when Ken is bending his knees. (I didn't have anything for the "zapping" audio)

The "Lethal and lovable" quote came from an actual cover of the magazine. (if you see the video, you'll know) I was looking for what font they used on the cover. Really.

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