(My profile)
VirtualDub - Free digital video manipulation tool.
Anime Music Video Mailing List - Talk about AMVs.
MAD Movie - Information on Japanese "AMVs".

Hee hee comics:
Savage Chickens | XKCD | Penny Arcade | Ctrl+Alt+Del | VGCats | Real Life

Ninja Consultant | OtakuGeneration

AMV d00dz:
Kusoyaro | Maboroshi | RYS | Aluminum | MTT | Studio Hybrid | ErMaC | NHMK
Big Big Truck | Aquiline Studios | AbsoluteDestiny | Kumaguro's AMVs

Highslide JS - Used for the image/video popups.
SortTable - Used for table sorting.

Kiva - loans that change lives